Thursday, July 8, 2010

Looking north from De Tour Village, Michigan

De Tour Marina

No blog from the Mariner today because he doesn't have wifi where he's staying. He "marinated" (sorry... couldn't resist) 105 miles today from Little Current, Ontario, through the North Channel, turned left (port) before reaching Thessalon and headed back into the United States. Tonight, he's in a charming little town called De Tour Village, Michigan. Tomorrow he'll head across Lake Huron toward Mackinac Island, go under the Mackinac Bridge and enter Lake Michigan. Lyn plans to navigate down the east coast of the lake. Wish I was there. JM


  1. He will be home SOON!!!!!!!!! -Tina

  2. The photo of Michigan reminds me of a time in high school when Dad helped me board the train in Sharon Springs to go to Lansing. The train began to move and he couldn't get off. Mother was stranded at the station without car keys. . .until someone "wired" her car to drive to the next town to pick up my dad. Michigan is lush and beautiful!!

  3. Your last leg is at hand as you head south. Some of that quiet beauty of Canada will undoubtedly be memories as you sail to more populated areas along Lake Michigan even tho that area has beauty & interest of its own.
    Can't believe the trip will be completed in such short time - what a sailor you are!!!

  4. Marinate - that's a good one! How far ahead of "schedule" does this put the captain?

  5. Sailing with passion and courage across the Gulf of Florida to the Atlantic Ocean and New York Harbor, Canada and the Great Lakes, others have lived vicariously through your experiences.
